Call for Contributed Papers

All papers must be written in English and should describe original work.

All registered and presented papers (Regular and Short-WiP) will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. 

  • Regular papers: 

The length of the paper is limited to a maximum of 6 pages (in the standard IEEE conference double-column format). Registered and presented regular papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. 

Papers will be refereed through a blind process for technical merit and content. To be eligible for publication in the Conference proceedings, an accepted paper must be presented at the Conference by one of the authors. You can send your work as a regular paper or send it to one of the accepted special sessions. Papers should be submitted before March 03, 2024.

  • Short papers (Work-in-Progress / WiP): 

The length of WiP paper is limited to a maximum of 4. pages. At most 8 references can be included.

WiP (short papers) contributors are expected to give a short presentation of their work (10 mn).

 Click on the icon to download the Call For Papers (.pdf)


Templates for Authors

The submitted papers should follow the usual IEEE paper format for conferences (two-columns, 10 point, Times New Roman).

For your convenience, templates are available for:

Call for Special Sessions

The goal of special sessions (5-6 papers) and special tracks (at least two sessions) is to provide focused discussions on new topics or innovative applications. Each prospective session/track organizer must submit a proposal, including the title of the session, a short description, and the organizer's name. Please contact us as soon as possible to help you in the organization of your special session. 

All submitted papers undergo the same review process, and submission to proposed sessions is not a guarantee of acceptance.

To submit your proposal, please fill in the form inside the following MS Word file, convert it as PDF, and upload the generated PDF to the PaperCept Conference Management System at: (click on the CoDIT 2024 link “Submit a special session to CoDIT 2024” and follow the steps.)

The proposals should be submitted before December 15, 2023 January 28, 2024 (extended).

Click on the icon to download the template.